Great food, all year round!

Great food, all year round!

To those of you who responded to my email and last post, a big thank you. This blog takes more work to set up than people appreciate. It is self-programmed, not an “off the shelf” application like Wordpress.

There are so many things I wish to share, but this first, I think is important. In this crisis, our basic needs are important (some of you may know of Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs”) and one of them is food. That means a garden. Now if any of you own one, you’ll know there are many problems with being successful: Slugs! Frost! Winter! :) So to that end, I developed (for want of a grandiose term) a strategy to maximize yield and place fresh food on the table the year round. There are three aspects (“three shall be the number and the number shall be three”)

  1. An efficient veg garden during the post frost season. The most efficient it seems is the Square Foot Garden system, photographed above.
  2. During the colder months, it is necessary to provide heat for crops grown. Rather than use fossil fuels or electric, I decided to use decomposing horse manure! An ancient system of the Victorian era was used known as a “hot bed”. This will be the subject of another post.
  3. What does one grow after the last frost and before spring arrives? The answer to that is microgreens. This is something I have only begun to research and will be posting about that also soon.

So, if you have any input, drop a comment below this post using the “Disqus” system. I look forward to hearing from all of you!