Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog

Greetings! As my kids return to “real life” and school, I took time out to finally begin my own website and blog!

I spent most of the time of this Pandemic here in Germany developing two things.

The first was really developing my garden to have more fresh food. I shall be blogging about my efforts in this realm. I happen to live in one of Germany’s “climate extreme” regions - the winters are very cold (we live half an hour from the Bavarian Alps) and yet the sunniest part of the country. If any of you have a garden you may know this is a tough combination, as heat and cold extremes are challenging conditions for plant life. Additionally, the land upon which we live is mostly glacial debris from the Alps, so the soils are very clay like in nature. I find myself importing compost by the trailerload to keep the garden fertile.

The second task I undertook was finally geting my programming stuff together. Many years ago, faced with the prospect of having to work very hard hours for very low pay, I began to teach myself coding. It was an itch I’d always wanted to scratch since 2000. Several years back I found a cool guy’s site where I regularly study the Java language and learn to develop apps. Choosing this language is sensible if you wish to develop web and mobile apps as Java is used on both platforms. This blog however is written in a different system called Jekyll, yet it does the task well.

So, if you have any input, drop a comment below this post using the “Disqus” system. I look forward to hearing from all of you!